Opdateret d.30-08-2006 06:14:39 .2006
Udstilling Broholm Slot d. 26-08-2006
Udstilling Broholm Slot d. 26-08-2006
Dommer: Mick Cole, GB
Åben klasse hanner. Ring 1. Kat nr. 39
Litchi Chow FengShui
Nice red dog, typical head, flat skull, neat ears, good mouth, clean eye, good neck, nice chest,
plenty og bone and substance, nicely presented, moving OK, would prefer a little more with forfront.
1 Pr. 3 Pl

Udstilling Broholm Slot d. 26-08-2006
Dommer: Mick Cole, GB
Åben klasse tæver. Ring 1. Kat nr. 64
Ba-Tong`s Bi-Ann Sze-Moo
Good sized red bitch, plenty of bone and substance, well ribbed back, straight bone front and
back, flat skull, good bite, good pigment, would prefer better earset and more substance to
front and bone.
2 Pr.
